Monday, June 29, 2009

Thank the Lord for a Christian Home!

So often believers take for granted the spiritual heritage they receive from their parents. This became very real to me when recently we wanted to reach out to the kids in our community and we noticed that there were several kids who walked by our house every day after school. I knew some of their names, but none of them ever came to church. We used Halloween as an opportunity to give out tracts, John & Romans, and fliers inviting kids to our new Soul's For Jesus Bible Club on Thursday's after school. After inviting and preparing for Bible Club we waited for kids to come. One week passed and no one came. Two weeks passed and no one came. This went on for several weeks and we simply used the time that we would have had Bible Club to pray for the children in our area.

After a few weeks two avenues opened up that we didn't expect. First, we had a mother who had just recently been saved ask about bringing her two boys to our Bible Club. The boys were unable to come to Sunday School because they spent that time with their unsaved dad each week, but their mom wanted them to learn as much as possible about the Bible. We began at Genesis and it was so much fun to teach through the Bible to children who had never heard it before. Their mother also learned a lot as she sat each week with her boys through the lessons.

The second avenue that opened was with a group of Mexican children who could no longer attend our Sunday School because they left to visit their father on the weekends. This group had a lot of energy and excitement that constantly needed to be channeled. There were about eight of these kids that came on a regular basis. Jenifer Scates was very much the go to person with these kids. She worked side by side with my wife and I with this Bible study. These kids had no idea who God was and when we described the story of creation one of them asked, "can God do magic?" I was so shocked at the absolute lack of knowledge of God that these children had. Most of what they knew about God came from cartoons and television.  Truly, America is becoming more and more a pagan culture.

I praise the Lord for the christian home I was privileged to grow up in. Please pray for the children growing up right here in America without a knowledge of God.

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