We have been raising support for our trip to Uganda and God has provided our needs step by step.
The Steps God Took Us Through
Step 1 - The first expenses were the passports and visas. For those expenses I had been scheduled extra at work and had some extra money.
Step 2 - The next big expense was the plane tickets. This was the largest expense to our trip and we determined not to book the tickets until we had the money. Travel agents told me to "book now" because international flights don't drop in price. But, they were wrong. We had estimated around $4,000 for two plane tickets and fees for us to fly as a family with Andrew and Elizabeth on our lap. On our trip out west I was asked to preach at a church for their Sunday evening service. That church of about fifty people gave us a love offering of over $700. With that love offering we had enough money to book our tickets. When the tickets were booked the total cost was just under $3,000. Not only was the flight cheaper but it also was more convenient. Instead of flying for 10 hours from Chicago to Brussels and then 8 hours to Entebbe we are flying 10 hours from Chicago to Istanbul and then 6 hours to Entebbe. With children every hours is precious.
Step 3 - When we booked our tickets we still didn't have enough money for our living expenses while in Uganda. Wednesday night at Adelphi we were told what our home church planned to do for us. It was such a blessing and the timing was perfect. The money that our home church gave us was enough to pay for our living expenses and cover some of the other miscellaneous costs.
Thoughts To Put Things In Perspective
Psalm 50:10 says, "For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills." God owns the cattle upon a thousand hills but He owns so much more. He owns the hills themselves, the air, the sea, and everything that we can perceive with our senses belongs to Him. To often as God's children we forget that God owns everything, but He loves us enough not to give us what we need until we need it. Often we like to find our security in having preparation and money laid up in store for the future and when we don't have all of our ducks in a row we think the end of the world is here. It is our desire for us to find our security in Him and not the earthly things that pass away. The story is told of George Mueller who sat down with the orphans in his orphanage and thanked God for the meal when there was no food to feed the children. Shortly after the prayer every need for that meal was provided. Living a life of faith like George Mueller is not an option. It is commanded for every believer. God doesn't call all of us to live exactly like George Mueller, but I feel that all to often our faith is not in the Faithful One.
God provided each step of the way for our needs to Uganda. We didn't need to borrow money or make payments with the travel agency. When God calls you to a task He will supply the need. I find much comfort resting in my Father's hands knowing that when I need a cow or two He will give me exactly what I need and when I need it.
The Steps God Took Us Through
Step 1 - The first expenses were the passports and visas. For those expenses I had been scheduled extra at work and had some extra money.
Step 2 - The next big expense was the plane tickets. This was the largest expense to our trip and we determined not to book the tickets until we had the money. Travel agents told me to "book now" because international flights don't drop in price. But, they were wrong. We had estimated around $4,000 for two plane tickets and fees for us to fly as a family with Andrew and Elizabeth on our lap. On our trip out west I was asked to preach at a church for their Sunday evening service. That church of about fifty people gave us a love offering of over $700. With that love offering we had enough money to book our tickets. When the tickets were booked the total cost was just under $3,000. Not only was the flight cheaper but it also was more convenient. Instead of flying for 10 hours from Chicago to Brussels and then 8 hours to Entebbe we are flying 10 hours from Chicago to Istanbul and then 6 hours to Entebbe. With children every hours is precious.
Step 3 - When we booked our tickets we still didn't have enough money for our living expenses while in Uganda. Wednesday night at Adelphi we were told what our home church planned to do for us. It was such a blessing and the timing was perfect. The money that our home church gave us was enough to pay for our living expenses and cover some of the other miscellaneous costs.
Thoughts To Put Things In Perspective
Psalm 50:10 says, "For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills." God owns the cattle upon a thousand hills but He owns so much more. He owns the hills themselves, the air, the sea, and everything that we can perceive with our senses belongs to Him. To often as God's children we forget that God owns everything, but He loves us enough not to give us what we need until we need it. Often we like to find our security in having preparation and money laid up in store for the future and when we don't have all of our ducks in a row we think the end of the world is here. It is our desire for us to find our security in Him and not the earthly things that pass away. The story is told of George Mueller who sat down with the orphans in his orphanage and thanked God for the meal when there was no food to feed the children. Shortly after the prayer every need for that meal was provided. Living a life of faith like George Mueller is not an option. It is commanded for every believer. God doesn't call all of us to live exactly like George Mueller, but I feel that all to often our faith is not in the Faithful One.
God provided each step of the way for our needs to Uganda. We didn't need to borrow money or make payments with the travel agency. When God calls you to a task He will supply the need. I find much comfort resting in my Father's hands knowing that when I need a cow or two He will give me exactly what I need and when I need it.